
You cannot manage what you do not measure.

Biological age is a leading risk factor for most age-related diseases and disorders – measuring your biological age and finding a way to mitigate your biological age is essential.

We focus on the epigenetic analysis of aging and are trusted by a wide network of medical doctors across the world.
Our R&D team’s long-term mission is to evolve our testing abilities to one day offer a direct diagnosis of diseases by reading epigenetic markers.

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What is Epigenetics?

Your DNA is like a recipe book. The genes [sections of the DNA] act as specific steps in the recipes and control how every part of your body is built, and how it functions.

Genes are on [expressed] or off [suppressed], or partially expressed – think dimmer switch.
Epigenetics is how your environment and lifestyle change your gene expression. Inputs such as stress, sleep, nutrition, supplementation, hormones, neurotransmitters, methylation, acetylation, and much more impact gene expression.

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What influences Biological Aging?

Biological Age consists of what you inherited from your parents, what you developed during your childhood, and daily lifestyle influences like sleep, stress, smoking, nutrition, exercise, and much more.

Most DNA Methylation can be modified to significantly change your Biological Age to optimize your health, performance, and longevity.

DNA tests identify genes that predispose you to develop certain diseases, and epigenetic tests like TruAge™ analyze how your lifestyle influences said predisposition – just having the genes is not sufficient. Genes have to be expressed in a particular way to encourage diseases.

Ready to discover your TruAge™?

Schedule a FREE CONSULTATION via the blue widget, our contact form, or 401.207.4215.