
“Ready, Fire, Aim…”
~Michael Masterson

Performance Medicine® is about synergy.

Optimal health and performance mandate an integrative approach to the whole person.
Mindfulness manifests synergy which cultivates self-actualization.

Performance Medicine® is a visionary consulting firm providing ultra-endurance athletes and the mainstream synergistic solutions to genetically transcend wellness, performance, and potential in life and sport.

The principles of Performance Medicine® provide visionary, incisive, evidence-based measures, and strategic actions to genetically optimize and enhance performance and longevity. The synergy of seemingly disparate elements listed below is unavoidable.

Noble Truths


Performance Medicine® represents an unprecedented, bold medical paradigm uniquely positioned at the forefront to optimize genomic precision wellness, endurance sports performance, and limitless potential – because life begins and ends at the cellular level.

Performance Medicine® is poised to propel epigenetics as an alchemical, bold, new, limitless paradigm. Our products and services ecosystem leverages cutting-edge research and technology to shift genetic expression and create mind-blowing results in life and sport.


Epigenetics represents the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression absent any alteration to the genetic code [DNA blueprint/sequence].

The game-changing science of epigenetics creates personalized and precise optimization strategies by taking the reins of gene expression to adapt and thrive under an array of environmental pressures. Performance Medicine® leverages technology to propel exponential changes to client cognition, physiology, performance, and longevity.

The keys to your mansion of unparalleled health, performance, and longevity are heightened when lifestyle matches chronotype – limited only by your mindset. Performance optimization cannot occur without first optimizing your health. Homeostasis is the dynamic interaction between genetics and lifestyle [nature and nurture]. Growth has no endpoint.

Your DNA blueprint cannot be altered. Epigenetics represents what is possible. It represents propensities versus absolutes. Think of epigenetic markers as apostrophes sprinkled above the letters and words of a sentence or paragraph [your DNA sequence]. Epigenetics represents all inputs from life.

The beauty is propensities can be modified – from sleep, stress, cognition, performance, recovery, endurance, nutrition [nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics], supplementation, hormones, microbiome, neurotransmitters, glutathione system, plant sterols, insulin resistance, mitochondrial biogenesis, and numerous other categories.

DNA provides instructions for various functional proteins to be produced inside the cell. Epigenetics affects how genes are read by cells, and subsequently, whether the cells should produce relevant proteins.

The promise of epigenetics is its depiction of cellular integrity. When variants highlight abnormal cellular function it allows the opportunity to reverse chronic, degenerative, and autoimmune states, enhance health, performance, and longevity via modification of gene expression through lifestyle changes.

Supplementation, wearable technology, brain mapping, neurofeedback, heart rate variability, and the like complement modifications to gene expression.

Systems Approach

Performance Medicine® integrates a complex systems approach to optimize performance and enhance longevity. It is important to understand the human system is an unpredictable, complex system versus a complicated system.

In a complicated system, several independent pieces can be modified without affecting the other pieces. In a complex system, each piece is dependent on its relationship with the other pieces.

The artificial intelligence [AI] industry is booming. AI diagnostics fall short because the human system is viewed as a predictable, complicated system in which uniformity versus unique characteristics of the population is the benchmark. The human system is adaptive and dynamic.

Computers can model an airplane in flight because it is a predictable, complicated system. The flight of a bird or human behavior cannot be predicted because it represents a complex system.

This is why reliance on data solely from AI-based applications misses the mark.

Your genetic blueprint is one of the many pieces of the complex human system. Your genetic blueprint consists of a combination of DNA markers [Adenosine – A, Cytosine – C, Guanine – G, and Thymine – T]  known as SNPs [Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms].

SNPs represent the keys of this cutting-edge paradigm to optimize gene expression. In an ideal world the A allele pairs with the T allele and the C allele pairs with the G allele. The invaluable art of applying complicated data to complex thinking is “augmented intelligence.”

“Epigenetics Revolution,” by Nessa Carey, provided the following epigenetics analogy.

Think of your life as a movie:

Cells represent the actors – the essential units that make up the movie;
DNA represents the script – instructions for all participants of the movie and their roles;
DNA sequence represents the words on the script;
Genes instruct key actions or events to occur;
Genetics represents screenwriting;
Epigenetics represents directing all elements of the movie. The director can alter the film by tweaking scenes, dialogue, and so forth. Steven Spielberg would create a different product from Woody Allen – even though both had the same script.

We have the technology to eliminate guesswork about your health, performance, and longevity.
Perhaps it is time to rewrite your script…

Contact us for more info or schedule a FREE consult →

Jeff Kildahl

View posts by Jeff Kildahl
Jeff Kildahl is a writer, author, researcher, and publisher leveraging technology to transcend health, performance, and longevity. Performance Medicine™is a visionary consulting firm providing ultra-endurance athletes with synergistic solutions to master the difference between effort and struggle. He merges the highly-specialized modalities of glycocalyx testing, blood analysis, biological age assessments, HRV testing, and epigenetic evaluations with tailored guidance to optimize health, performance, and longevity in life and sport. Kildahl is credentialed in bioenergetics, biomechanics, metabolic efficiency™, sports nutrition, epigenetics, and natural medicine. He is a dynamic member of CUBE™ ~ a professional speakers group ~ empowering others to harmonize the "Keys to Living in the Song of Life." He is a sponsored vegan ultra-endurance athlete and philanthropist. His company sponsors the spirited initiatives and global events of the United States Snowshoe Association, the World Snowshoe Federation, the American Trail Running Association, the United States Trail Running Conference, and other innovative ventures. He is the publisher of SYNERGY™ | Performance Medicine™ Magazine - a cutting-edge magazine app designed to impart the innovative principles of Performance Medicine™. Kildahl is the creator and president of Performance Medicine™-->